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G.A.F. Balanced Growth Fund

Stability & Results. 

Using time tested Methods.

Our perfect investment blend

Designed to achieve Stability & Growth

Our Results do the Talking for us.

Take a look at our track record.

* Past results do not guarantee future results, as with any investment it may be subject to market volatility

Learn about how your money is invested.

For our Balanced Growth fund, it is important to have stable performance and liquidity. 

We aim to mitigate market turbulence by utilizing 75% of the fund for low risk  investments.

(65% Real estate development, and 10% GAF Operational Profit Sharing).

The remaining 25% is split up amongst investment tools which have a high growth upside.

A blend of Stocks, Bonds, and Digital Currencies.


Take a look below to learn more about each investment sector. 

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​Lets look at 2 scenarios: investing with a GIC at a local bank earning 1% per year, and investing with G.A.F. Balanced growth fund earning an average of 5% per year.

John invests $10,000 today, and contributes $250 every month. 

Mary invests $25,000 today, and she contributes $450 every month, and she reinvests her tax refund every year (average of $2,000 per year)

​​After 5 years:

John´s total contributions: $25,000


Interest earned:

Bank account: $1,275 

G.A.F. Balanced Fund:  


Mary´s total contributions: $62,000

Interest earned:

Bank account: $3,163 

G.A.F. Balanced Fund:  

$17,129 ​​​

After 10 years:

John´s total contributions:  $40,000

Interest earned:

Bank account: $4,185

G.A.F. Balanced Fund:


Mary´s total contributions: $99,000

Interest earned:

Bank account: $10,358

G.A.F. Balanced Fund:


After 25 years: 

Johns total contributions: $85,000

Interest earned:

Bank account: $24,007

G.A.F. Balanced Fund:  


Mary´s total contributions: $210,000

Interest earned:

Bank account: $59,311

G.A.F. Balance Fund:


After 35 years:

John's total deposits: $115,000

Interest earned:

Bank account: $47,909

G.A.F. Balanced Fund: 


Mary´s total contributions: $284,000

Interest Earned:

Bank account: $118,315

G.A.F. Balanced Fund: 


Compound interest is one of the best-kept secrets in wealth-building, and it’s how the top 5% of the population accumulate their wealth. The secret lies in making the right investments and giving them enough time to grow. 


Curious about how much you could potentially accumulate? Try our

Investment Calculator Below to see the power of compound interest in action!

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An Advisor will reach out to you to help you with any questions.

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